Beverly Hills
A smoldering fire in the basement of a motion picture stock storage house burst into open flame yesterday, blasting out a fire door and injuring six men, among them city firemen. The blaze, beneath the Harman-Ising cartooning studio at 9713 Santa Monica Blvd., caused acculumated gasses to explode even as firefighters attempted to break inside to quash it.
The fire made multicolored smoke to pour from the building's vents, causing traffic policeman C.J. Verhaar to quip it was the first Technicolor fire he'd ever witnessed.
Firemen wore gas masks as they fought the acrid flames.
Meanwhile, out on the sidewalk, displaced alterations gal Mrs. Natalie Nikitin calmly mended some trousers, which she said she had promised to a nice man whose name she did not know.
Smoke and water damage to the first floor shops has yet to be calculated, but appears extensive.
Recommended cartoon viewing: Uncensored Bosko Vol. 1
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Say kids, it’s Sunday morning, let’s look at the comics. Why it’s a 10-page section, imagine that. Los Angeles Times, World’s Greatest Comics—15 cents. That would be $1.42 today.
Who have we got here? Looks like Dick Tracy has finally captured Coffyhead with the help of the Junior Crimestoppers. Red Ryder and his pals are expanding the Rimrock School. Who’s that kid? His name is Little Beaver and he’s supposed to be a Native American. He’s saying: “Him make-um eyes like wolf at teacher. Me gusdusted.”
And an ad for Weber’s bread.
Now, here’s “Aggie Mack,” “Nancy”—and “Dotty Dripple,” a strip that looks like a knockoff of “Blondie.”
And an ad for Alka-Seltzer.
“Sad Sack” (how about that, there’s no words, just pictures), “Gasoline Alley” and a one-third page ad for Oxydol detergent.
“Joe Palooka,” “Mickey Finn” and a one-third page ad for Ford cars drawn like a comic strip.
Having fun kids?
“Napoleon,” which is sort of a proto-“Marmaduke” strip, “Mary Worth” and an ad for “Magic Town” with Jimmy Stewart and Jane Wyman that looks like another comic. Have you kids noticed that there’s an ad on every page of the comics?
“Buck Rogers,” “Tiny Tim” and Listerine toothpaste.
“Tarzan,” “Abbie an Slats” and Fleer’s candy-coated gum.
“Ella Cinders,” “Li’l Abner” and an ad for Armour Treet, a knockoff of Spam.
These artists certain were great draftsmen, weren’t they, kids?
“Dixie Dugan,” “Brenda Starr” and Power House candy bars. I better take back what I said about draftsmen, kids. “Brenda Starr” is drawn by a woman, Dale Messick.
Last page. “Terry and the Pirates” and a half-page ad. I wonder how much Quaker Oats paid for that display space. Who’s that African American woman? Well her name is Aunt Jemima. What’s she saying? “Folks sho’ come a-runnin’ for temptilatin’ Aunt Jemima Pancakes.” No, kids. Nobody ever really talked like that—not even in 1947. That’s called dialect. Back in the 1940s, characters who weren’t white, like Little Beaver and Aunt Jemima, used to “talk” like that. And the next time we’re at the store I’ll show you a box of pancake mix. Aunt Jemima doesn’t look like that anymore, either. Now we know better.
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