Jacksonville, IL
Dr. Andrew C. Ivy. Vice-Prexy of the U. of Ill., needs just $5000 to fund his next study, with which he hopes prove that the decline over the past two decades in peptic ulcers among the distaff sex is directly tied to the Flapper-inspired loosening of their stays. To demonstrate his thesis, he intends to lock 40 monkeys in corsets of the sort being promoted by French coutouriers like Christian Dior.
Monkeys wearing the New Look? That's daffier than anything the French have tried to sell us!
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Arabs Hold War Council;
Jews Ask Veterans to
Enlist for ‘Showdown’
BEIRUT, Oct. 9 (U.P.)—The Lebanese and Syrian governments have ordered various units of their armies to mass along the Palestine borders for a possible invasion of the Holy Land, and the first units already have started marching, it was announced tonight.
Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, secretary general of the Arab League Council now meeting in nearby Alieh, announced the massing of troops along Palestine’s northern borders, and said the Egyptian government also is ordering strong contingents of its army to move to Palestine’s southern frontier.
Troop movements followed an official Arab League recommendation today that the seven Arab states take “military measures along the Palestine frontiers” in view of the British government’s statement that Britain intends to evacuate the Holy Land.
Several top military leaders of the Arab countries joined Arab League leaders in the Alieh conference today, presumably to work out technical points connected with the possible invasion of the Holy Land.
Dispatches from Palestine said Jewish Agency leaders have called on Jewish veterans of the North African and Italian campaigns to join a Jewish army for a “life or death showdown” with the Arabs.
According to the best sources, the plan for a possible Arab invasion of Palestine calls for creation of an Arab general staff, which would be composed of senior officers of the regular armies of all the Arab countries.
It was reported that Saudi Arabia has obtained permission from Egypt to send its army, which probably could be expected to conduct a guerrilla type of campaign, across the Sinai Peninsula to Palestine. The Sinai Peninsula, east of the Suez Canal, borders the entire southern frontier of Palestine where many Jewish settlements have been established.
The British-trained Arab legion from Trans-Jordan, a mechanized force of 16,000 men, could be expected to join the fight, although all British officers would be withdrawn.
The Arab invasion army would be composed of trained forces from Egypt, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, it was reported, and its activities would be integrated with the Arab underground army in Palestine.
Fawzi El Kaukji, the Arab leader who led the 1936-1939 uprising, has been reported gathering an army in Lebanon which would co-operate with the regulars in any Palestine action.
Arab Says America
Now Is Most Unpopular
JERUSALEM, Oct. 11 (A.P.)—Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, secretary general of the seven-nation Arab League, made this comment today on United States backing for the partition of Palestine:
“America is now the most unpopular country in the Middle East, and is taking steps to make herself more so.”
Informant Says Member of Exiled Mufti’s
Group Responsible for Consulate Attack
JERUSALEM, Oct. 13 (A.P.)—A bomb was tossed at the United States Consulate today and an Arab informant said tonight the attack was by a member of an Arab group constituting the “striking force” of the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem.
The informant said that Americans had been warned by telephone to quit the consulate before the bomb was thrown and advised to “leave Palestine.” A consular official denied the statement, saying that no telephone or any other warning was received.
Two women employees of the consulate—one an American citizen—were injured in the blast.
Authorities said earlier that they believed the bomb tosser was a woman who walked into a guarded dead-end street, threw the bomb into a consulate garden and got away.
Quote of the day: “I--I’m sorry you caught me --- behaving like a m-m-milksop, Mrs. Worth.”
“Go on and cry, Lissa! Small tears can wash away a big heartache!”
“Mary Worth” by Ken Allen.
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