Saturday, May 28, 2005

House Damaged By Girls' Pony

May 28, 1947

Two little West Covina girls found themselves wondering today if a pony would ever go into a house, and what might happen if it did. They acted out their fancy within the unfinished El Rancho Estates home of Mrs. Bernie M. Osborn, causing $258 in hoof damage to the new linoleum. Sheriff's deputies from the San Dimas substation detained the young equestrians, while the patient Mrs. Osborn declined to press charges until she had a chance to talk with the girls' parents.

1 comment:

notarysojack said...

Blues Singer Given
Sentence on Dope

Billie Holiday, 28, Negro blues
singer, was sentenced to a year
and a day in the Federal Re-
formatory for Women at Alder-
son, W.Va., today for possession
of narcotics. The entertainer, a
self-admitted addict, sobbed in
court as she told Judge J. Cullen
Ganey that she is “broke” al-
though her earnings in the past
three years exceeded $250.000.

+ + +

On June 17, while Holiday was in prison, the film “New Orleans” opened in Los Angeles at the four Music Hall theaters: 8th and Broadway downtown; Beverly Hills at 9036 Wilshire Blvd.; the Hawaii at 5941 Hollywood Blvd.; and at 6523 Hollywood Blvd. Holiday played a maid in what was apparently her only credited role as an actress in a feature film.

Released from prison, she returned to Los Angeles and was involved in a brawl in Billy Berg’s nightclub, 1356 N. Vine St., on New Year’s Day, 1949. While the charges were dismissed at her preliminary hearing, she was soon accused of drug possession in San Francisco and in March, barred from New York nightclubs. A San Francisco jury acquitted her of opium possession in June 1949, although her problems certainly didn't end there.

Situations Wanted, Women—102

PARTY. $10 PER 1000 TU-5397
APT. col. Day work. Couple. Rev.
Mitchell. AD-8026. AD-12795
CLEAN. OR LAUNDRY. Experienced.
By hour. Mrs. Black. LU 1660
COL. Cook. Gen. Full or part time
Home nites. Royal Agy. RE-4529
COL. Refined maids, cooks, chaufs.
Day work. Rev. Sweeney. AD-11040.
COL. Help. Call Ladies’ Empl. Aid. As-
sociation for extra help. AD-9505
COL. Neat. Exec. Party cook. Day work
or child care. CE-27655
COL. Girl, exp. Wants day work as
mother’s helper. AD-18166
COL. Girl with child care for child-
dren in home. Stay AD-6845
COL. Girl da. Work A-1 clean &
ironing. $1 hr & fare. RE-25018
COL. Girl. Neat, desires day work.
Pvt home. RO-1528
COL. Wom. Day wrk. $1 hr or 5-da.
Apt. wrk. NE 2-4174
COMPANION. Hskpr. Elderly lady
Alone. References. Box F-46. Times
COMP. Hskpr. Cook or institute. Wrk.
Ref. Lady. GL-2741
DAY or pt. time exp. Worker. Loc. Ref.
$1 hr, fare. CE-20795
ER, Phone CE-27003
DAY work, part time. Will cook eve-
ning meal. Refs. PR-1923
DAYS work, exp. Col girl $8 day &
Fare. Ref. CA-21822

source: Los Angeles Times, May 28, 1947; June 16, 1947; June 22, 1947; Jan. 7, 1949; Jan. 12, 1949; March 5, 1949; March 22, 1949; June 4, 1949