Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Second Time's the Charm

October 11. 1947
Los Angeles

For the second time in two weeks, pint-sized miscreant Thomas George Redhead, 14, has busted out of Juvenile Hall. This time the boy, whose initial offense was stealing a Pacific Electric bus, which he drove to San Diego, shimmied up to the second story of the detention center and dropped more than 16 feet to make a fresh escape. I guess it's true what they say about Redheads...

1 comment:

notarysojack said...

Jury Disinherits Two Pet Dogs,
Heirs to Master’s $30,000

Pat and Gunner, 6-year-old Irish setters who were left a $30,000 estate by their late master, Carleton R. Bainbridge, retired attorney, yesterday were disinherited by a jury of eight men and four women.

The jury in the court of Superior Court Charles S. Burnell found, with one ballot, that the deceased lawyer was incompetent when he made his will last Feb. 18, two days before his death.

Attys. Harold A. and Miriam O. Fendler, representing Sherman J. Bainbridge, writer and brother of the late attorney, successfully contended that the will naming Charles F. Connelly as trustee and caretaker of the dogs, was invalid.

During the three-week hearing, friends and neighbors of the dog owner testified that he claimed the animals talked. He read them bedtime stories, according to testimony, and took the dogs to the movies, where their favorite films were “Mickey Mouse” and “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

Connelly was represented in the contest by Atty. Wyckoff Westover.

+ + +

Sherman J. Bainbridge, one of the leading promoters of the “Ham ‘n’ Eggs” campaign of the Depression, died in January 1950, less than three years after winning the lawsuit. He was buried at Forest Lawn in Glendale. The fates of Pat and Gunner are unrecorded.
